We have traveled to a lot of places in the world where the native languages/dialects there are not known to us. When someone talks and speaks in those tongues, we are completely lost. However, when a person is mad, even though we have no idea what he/she says, we knows that he/she is angry due to the tone of the voice and the body language.
On 3rd April 2010, we visited the NC Zoo. We saw this goose and we knew that it was not happy to anyone close-by. That goose's voice and body language were very simple, turning its head, opening its mouth, and making noise. We did not need to know goose language at all to understand its unhappiness.
How did we annoy the goose?
After looking at it closely, we realized that it was sitting on its nest. There might be eggs there. The goose was doing its job programmed by the genes to annoy any creature including human to get close to the nest. So, it was not us. It was the gene of the goose.