Owl in NC Zoo

There is an old Chinese saying, "Eating is citizen's primary need". This should not just apply to human being, it works the same for owl too. On 3rth April 2010, we spent a day in North Carolina Zoo with a lot of good friends. We saw this owl and it was a kind of uneasy. Its head turned to our left most of all the time. Since the owl caretaker was about to send in food, a mouse to be exact, the owl looked to its right all the time making our photography very difficult. It spent only a fraction of a second to turn its head to face us. The rest of the time, we could not even see its eyes.

Together with us, there were about 10 cameras in front of this owl. Everyone was complaining about the posture of this owl. "Cheese" someone said loudly. But, the owl did not respond, of course.

Taking photographs for animal is generally hard since animal would not be able to follow photographer's instruction. This may be another reason why human is far superior than animal. Even worse, some people do not like to be photographed. You ask them to look at you, they looked elsewhere. Some would turn their heads to you but with their hands covering their faces. In that case, I would rather spend time with the owl even the owl would not understand "Cheese".