Elephant in NC Zoo

Time after time, if we are in the right place at the right time, something good is going to happen. In photography, besides right place and right time, we also need to have right equipment. Taking pictures of a tiny little flower without a macro lens, you are wasting your time. Taking portraits indoor without lighting equipment, you will be upset on the resulting photos.

On 3rd April 2010, we visited the North Carolina Zoo. Elephants were all out enjoying the beautiful weather. This one stood right in front of a pond creating a very nice reflection. We were about 30 feet away from the elephant and therefore we were in an ideal location to take some nice photos even for non-specialized cameras. Since this elephant is so big and close, we simply do not need any telephoto lens. Also, this elephant stood still for a good 15 minutes. So, we had all the time we had to take good pictures, no need to rush.

Some people around us pulled their camera phones out and started taking photos for this elephant. That really told us that we did not need specialized cameras at that moment.