Golden Frog in North Carolina Zoo

Do not be fooled by this picture. At first sight, you may think we are showing a picture we took for a Golden Frog in zoo. We took this photo in the North Carolina Zoo on 20th July 2008 for sure. In reality, we took this picture of an illuminated picture. That zoo display we saw is about Golden Frog from Central America which is about one inch long. It is so small that we did not get any good shot for any of those living frogs with the telephoto lens we had. However, there was a nice picture on the wall right by the living Golden Frog display.

From the description by the display, it is so sad to learn that we can not find any wild Golden Frog in Central America anymore. A deadly fungus infected the skin amphibians, destroying entire populations in 2001. In areas before the fungus reached there, scientists collected a group of Golden Frogs and they are now being bred in zoos in order to save the species. Now, we can only see them in zoos.

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