Tom in Chapel Hill

If you think taking portrait is easy, think again. This is Tom and we took this picture on the Christmas day in 2007 in Pat's house in Chapel Hill, North Carolina when he was 5 months old. Taking a close-up picture for Tom was so difficult. When we said "cheese", Tom had no response. When we asked Tom to look at the camera, Tom just ignored our request. When we turned on the flash, Tom closed his eyes.

So, the success rate of getting a nice portrait for Tom was extremely low. Luckily, we were using a digital camera. There is a button in the camera labeled as "Trash Can". If we do not like the picture we just take, push the "Trash Can" button twice, that picture is gone forever. We trashed over 90% of pictures we took for Tom by pushing the button hundreds of times. This is one of the best shots. Again, he was so arrogant that he did not want to say "cheese". At least, he looked at the camera and did not close his eyes. "Tom, can you do better?" we asked. His answer was "Meao". We then said "What?".

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