Philadelphia Downtown in Pennsylvania

In most of the big city downtowns, there are a bunch of skyscrapers. Most of the time, if we look from above, they alway look good. However, viewing over Philadelphia downtown at 400 ft high on the Philadelphia Zoo balloon is one of most beautiful cities we have ever seen. There is a river running around it and a highway by the river. The view is just gorgeous. On 22nd March 2008, we traveled to Philadelphia and got on to the balloon in the Philadelphia Zoo. It was well worth the effort.

On the balloon, we stood inside the round basket covering with nets all over for our safety. However, for photography, the basket with net made it so difficult to take pictures. Luckily, the holes on the net are just big enough for the lens to get through. The trick was to use left hand to hang on the rail so that we could stand still. Then, used right hand only to hold the camera with the lens through the net, and had the index finger release the shuttle. It was hard to do all above at the same time but most normal human beings could do that.

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