Homemade Ice Cream in Stonington

We have not met anyone who does not like ice cream yet. Particularly, kids love ice cream so much in general. This is really an international standard.

When we had our vacation in Maine with good friends, Lixin and Qing by the end of August in 2003. We spent a day in the fisherman village, Stonington. It was a quiet and beautiful city without big tourist crowd. After walking around the business area, we were thirsty. All of a sudden, we saw a sign which said "Homemade Ice Cream". It was like gold dust from the sky and we had to have that. Kevin, 5 years old by that time, enjoyed the ice cream so much. It was a hot afternoon and the ice cream melted quickly. But, Kevin wanted to take his time to enjoy the delicious ice cream of course. So, his dad, Qing, intelligently found a way to fix the problem, putting the cone into a cup and asking Kevin to use a spoon to scoop the ice cream out from the cone. Then, Kevin was able to enjoy it without getting melted ice cream all over his hands, shirt, and short. However, it did not help to get ice cream off around his mouth.

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