Rose in Duke Garden

On 25th May 2008, we visited the Sarah P. Duke Garden in Durham, North Carolina. Duke Garden has been one of our favorite gardens for taking pictures. It is close to home and therefore it is easy to get there, spend a few hours, and enjoy the atmosphere. By the front door of the garden, there were a rose garden growing some beautiful roses. Here is one of the pictures there.

As far as we know, growing roses in North Carolina is quite difficult. Bugs love to eat them, in particular, Lady Bug. A couple of years ago in our neighborhood one afternoon, all of a sudden, all of the Lady Bug came out all together. Kids were screaming and running away from them. We saw thousands of lady bugs flying above us. That was quite an experience. However, nobody has been able to tell us why the lady bugs did that. Also, how could they communicate with each other so that they all came out at the same time?

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