Spiderman in Philadelphia Zoo

On 22nd March 2008, our good friends, Yu and Yudong, took us to the Philadelphia Zoo. Their son, Ethan, 3.5 years old, went to the zoo with us, of course. Ethan was so excited and had so much energy. He could run around non-stop for several hours in the zoo without getting tired at all. In other words, getting Ethan to stay still for 5 minutes in the zoo was very difficult. However, there was one way to do that. Ethan agreed to have his face paint as Spiderman. While his face was being painted by the painter, he sat still there for 5 minutes and he did not even say a word the whole time.

This photo was taken right after the face painting was done. The painter really did a wonderful job to do that. There was no pain to Ethan at all to get the Spiderman face. But, it was painful for him to get the paint washed away.

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